There are many different types of tissues in the oral cavity that may need attention by a dentist for a healthy smile. At Broadway Family Dentistry, we deal with patients who may have concerns about their frenums. Frenums are bands of tissue that are located either on the top of the smile or the bottom. The upper frenum is called the labial frenum and connect the upper gums to the lip. The lingual frenum is the lower frenum and connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. If either of these frenums are abnormally long or wide, they can cause issues for patients. This includes problems with:
- Swallowing
- Speaking
- Movement
- Ability to drink from a bottle (for infants)
To address these limitations, a doctor or dentist may perform a procedure called a frenectomy which is used to essentially cut this band of tissue to free the mouth and/or tongue for proper functionality and movement.
What happens during a frenectomy?
A frenectomy is actually a very simple and fast procedure that can be done at Broadway Family Dentistry by one of our professionals. The dentist may use either a scalpel with a blade or a dental laser to cut the soft tissues. In just seconds, the dentist will be able to free the frenum bands. There is very little post-operative discomfort and swelling, and most patients are able to enjoy complete changes in just one appointment. Patients can have this procedure done and go about the remainder of their day without any pain.
What should I do after my frenectomy?
This simple procedure requires no post-operative care or attention because the cut in the band will heal quickly. Patients are still urged to visit their dentist for routine visits including cleanings and examinations.
Schedule your visit with our dentists today!
The team of Broadway Family Dentistry is pleased to offer a variety of oral treatments, including frenectomies. Drs. Stanley Hirst and Bethany Jensen encourage you to book a consultation appointment to find out if this procedure can be beneficial to you or a household member. Call (701) 839-1299 today to book an appointment at the office, conveniently located at 1839 South Broadway Street in Minot, ND.