Maintaining excellent oral health includes more than merely brushing. To keep your mouth, teeth, and gums in top condition there are specific elements you should have as part of your personal dental plan.
Knowing your personal dental needs
Understanding your overall health can go a long way in helping you know what to include in your personal dental plan. If you have had cancer treatments, are pregnant, have heart disease, or diabetes, what you need to include (or not include) in your dental plan will be different. Many health conditions, including dentures and braces, can impact the health of your mouth. At your next dental appointment, be sure to mention any health conditions you are experiencing.
Create and follow a daily dental routine
Daily dental care should include brushing in the morning and evening, as well as flossing and rinsing. Whenever you have a particularly sugary snack, be sure to brush your teeth soon after to rid your mouth of the acid build up.
Use fluoride
Adults and children can gain a lot from fluoride use. Fluoride will strengthen teeth that are developing as well as hinder cavity creation. Find out if fluoride supplements are right for your family. Antibacterial mouth rinses are also available to help decrease bacteria that cause gum disease. Consider getting a fluoride mouth rinse.
Eat right
Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Try avoiding foods that create acid buildup quickly like cookies, cakes, candies, ice cream, dried fruit. Eating a healthy diet will help stave off gum disease and other problems that can contribute to poor dental health.
Schedule regular dental cleanings
Even if you think you have healthy teeth, regular dental checkups are absolutely essential to catching dental problems before they develop into bigger and more expensive issues. A dental cleaning every six months is generally recommended.
Arrange your consultation
For more information about how to improve your dental health, call Broadway Family Dental today. You can reach us at (701) 839-1299. We look forward to helping you!